European Union Passes New Data Bill to Restrict Big Techs

The European Union has now passed a key law to restrict the tremendous influence big tech companies command over the world. The bill, which is called Data Act, is said to act as a shield against unlawful data transfer from the EU countries by the tech conglomerates which are largely based out of the United States. European Union Commissioner Thierry Bretton announced this decision stating, “Tonight’s agreement on the Data Act is a milestone in reshaping the digital space. We are on the way to a thriving EU data economy that is innovative and open, on our conditions,” as per Reuters.
Sweden’s Public Administration Minister Erik Slottner called the Data Act the accelerator of the EU’s ‘digital transformation.’ He further quipped, “Once the data act enters into force, it will unlock the economic and societal potential of data and technologies and contribute to an internal market for data. It will enhance the single market, allowing data to flow freely within the EU and across sectors for the benefit of our citizens and businesses.” The Indian government is currently working on the draft of its own data bill, which will be open to public consultation in years to come.

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