Donald Trump promises to stop Biden’s “War on Lawful Gun Owners” if voted back to power  

The recent news of Donald Trump’s arrest had created headlines all over the world as the former U.S. President was accused of several charges, including falsifying business records to evade taxes. However, now that he has been released on bail, Trump is wasting no time in holding rallies and reaching out to the masses, signaling to everyone that he will be contesting the 2024 Presidential elections. In a conference with National Rifle Association (NRA) in Indiana, he vowed to defend them against President Joe Biden’s aggressive policies against gun holders, as per a Republic report.  

Terming Biden’s policies on gun control a “war on lawful gun owners,” Trump said that he would be a loyal friend to NRA and stop anti-gun policies starting the very first day of his term at the Oval Office should he get re-elected. He further added that the Biden administration is using the Covid pandemic to shut down gun sales. Trump called himself a “proud pro-gun” candidate and reassured his support towards Second Amendment rights. While Trump is still considered to be among the leading contenders for the Republican candidates, he will be contested by Governor Ron DeSantis for the position. 

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