Donald Trump Becomes the First US President to Face Criminal Charges

Ahead of his election campaign, former US President Donald Trump is facing indictment by the federal government on serious charges that could possibly land him in prison. This indictment is reportedly on seven counts, which includes manhandling of classified documents at his Florida estate, which makes him the first US President in history to be facing criminal charges. Trump made this announcement on his social media platform Truth while also maintaining his innocence by calling these legal developments a ‘witch hunt’. Trump’s lawyer James Trusty further revealed on CNN that one of these charges includes willful retention of national security information under the Espionage Act.
As per these reports, the former Republican president had taken 300 classified documents with him while leaving the White House, and the FBI had seized about a hundred of these documents. Donald Trump has been investigated by the US Justice Department for several years now but has never been charged with a crime. Despite these charges, Trump continues to aggressively rally for his election campaign. He is currently facing Ron DeSantis in the race to become the Republican candidate, with his former VP, Mike Pence, taking him on as well.

Image source: AP

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