Defence Minister Rajnath Singh: No Power Can Dare Threaten India 

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh made a bold statement during his recent public rally in Madhya Pradesh, which is in the midst of state elections. Singh recalled Bharat’s global reputation during the Congress rule and how the world used to consider it a weak country. He then emphasised how the tables have turned under BJP’s rule. “India’s pride is soaring all over the world. During the Congress rule, people abroad would say India is a weak country. The world did not take our words very seriously, but the situation has changed now,” he said.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has also been vocal about Bharat’s stance on national security and how it is now capable of eliminating all its enemies within the country and outside its borders. “If someone tries to carry out any nefarious act, India can eliminate them on this side of the border, and if necessary, it can strike them on the other side of the border as well. No power in the world can dare threaten India,” he said. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh previously served as the Union Home Minister before eventually taking over the Defence Ministry in 2019.

Image source: PTI

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