Covid-19: Health & lifestyle tips to follow with the rising cases 

The recent trends have shown that the virus is once again on the move has Covid-19 cases have been rising all across the country. While India has largely managed to keep the situation under control for the past year, it is important to not drop your guard especially at this crucial stage. Along with all the safety measures, we can also undertake health measures to keep our immunity up, which will ultimately shield us from the greater dangers of this virus. Here are some health and lifestyle tips for you to follow with the rising Covid situation. 

Get moving 

Inactivity is one of the leading causes of low immunity and health problems. Exercising for 45 minutes to 1 hour a day greatly reduces the chances of cardiovascular problems and keeps your blood circulation up to point. These days, you can track how many calories you have burned and the number of steps you have walked, which keeps you alert about your body movement. 

Make nutritious choices for your diet 

Increasing your intake of protein and high-fibre foods can bring a major increase in your metaolism and immunity in just a matter of weeks. Parallelly, cutting out sugar, junk food and booze from your life also make a tremendous difference. Having a diet that has less sugar and fatty oils thus automatically puts you ahead in preparation for any situation. 

Avoid social gatherings 

It is understandable that most people have been actively seeking out social occasions to blow off steam after the tiring lockdown phases in the past. However, keeping away from gathering that do not require your physical presence can go a long way under these circumstances, when Covid is on the rise. It is important to bring back some old measures from the lockdown days to ensure the safety of not only yourself, but also your loved ones. 

Keep good hygiene  

Keeping a good personal hygiene is an emphatic must; it goes without saying. But it is equally necessary to keep your house and immediate surroundings, since a dirty environment is a breeding ground for most health problems and diseases. It is vital to regularly maintain personal and home hygiene. 

Mask up 

Last but not the least, we have to get back into the habit of wearing a mask before stepping out of the house. Most people who use public transport for their commute need to start wearing masks, as they are the most prone of getting the virus.  

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