Chinese Spy Balloon Used American tech to Spy on Americans

The spotting of a Chinese spy balloon in the United States last year put a severe strain on US-China relations as people around the world witnessed these visuals. News reports have recently emerged that state that China had used American technology in the spy balloons to spy on Americans themselves. As per the Wall Street Journal, the audio-visual technology used by the Chinese spy balloon is American. These findings were made by the US intelligence agencies, who identified that a lot of the gear present in the spy balloon was commercially available on the market.
The American defence forces finally shot it down and recovered it by conducting proper analysis and other security procedures that follow. Along with audio-visual gear, the Chinese spy balloon also had other American tech parts like sensors and other spy equipment to provide China with sensitive information. Apart from shooting down the balloon, the United States also aggressively criticised China for its spy tactics on international forums. However, the White House, as well as intelligence agencies like the Central Investigation Agency (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), have made a statement on these recent findings yet.

Image source: AP

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