China sees a new Covid wave; may record 65 million cases a week

While countries around the world have largely overcome the pandemic, China appears to be still struggling with this virus. A new report by Associated Press states that the country is currently recording a major Covid wave that can create a major burden on its healthcare. Two vaccines to counter the XBB subvariant have already received preliminary approval, whereas three to four other vaccines will also be receiving approval in the future. China is thus in a state of emergency response, which reflects the gravity of the situation.  

This wave is expected to be severe, unlike any other, as the numbers may go up to 65 million infections a week despite the zero-covid adopted by China last year. However, they seem to have adopted a new approach this time as no extreme measures have been put into effect yet, as opposed to last year. The Covid-19 virus had emerged out of Wuhan city of China in 2020 and has evolved into different variants around the world. Even though the World Health Organisation had recently declared Covid to be no longer a health emergency, the world continues to face the economic repercussions of this pandemic. 

Image source: PTI

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