ChatGPT creator Sam Altman: AI may cause world extinction

The founder of ChatGPT, Sam Altman, has made a huge statement that claims that AI may cause global extinction, which has come as alarming news across the world. Among the many tech leaders that have warned of the negative outcomes of artificial intelligence, Altman is regarded as one of the credible voices in this field. Several tech leaders have now written an open letters where they have made their respective statements on AI safety, including Altman and Elon Musk.   

In his statement, Sam Altman has said that AI safety should be given as much importance as nuclear wars or pandemics, as artificial intelligence are capable of causing disinformation on a mass scale that can potentially threaten human survival. There have been calls to slow down AI development amid these warnings, which were further triggered after Google’s AI head Geoffrey Hinton resigned from his post, citing the dangers of artificial intelligence. US President Joe Biden had called on top Google and Microsoft executives to take note of these developments to ensure all safety measures are being taken on this matter. 

Image source: AP

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