Canada Expels Chinese Diplomat, China Retaliates By Announcing Dismissal Of Canadian Counterpart  

The diplomatic relations between China and Canada have gone for a toss ever since Canada decided to remove a senior Chinese diplomat. This decision came after a diplomat named Zhao Wei was involved in a conspiracy to intimidate an opposition lawmaker of Canada and his relatives, who are currently residing in Hong Kong. Wei was given five days to leave Canada, after which China warned them of the consequences and stated that equal countermeasures would be taken. As per Associated Press, China has now announced the removal of Canadian diplomats from their country as well.  

The mentioned lawmaker, Michael Chong, was intimidated by Chinese officials after he sponsored a motion to condemn China’s atrocities against Uyghur Muslims minority groups in their Xinjiang province. There have also been several other reports of China meddling in Canadian elections that have prompted their polity to hold up their guard against China. The tensions have consequently grown between the two countries as China also says that it would not tolerate foreign interference in their country.   

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