Can Weight Loss Drugs Help in De-Addiction?

Various kinds of weight loss drugs are sold all over the world to help patients reduce extra weight. They are extremely useful for patients suffering from health conditions like diabetes and high cholesterol, but it appears that they also have a major use that has been recently observed. Weight loss drugs are also said to help drug addicts overcome their problems, as per Scientific American. The revelation shows that weight loss drugs like Ozempic not only reduce a person’s food cravings but also keep them from indulging in alcohol, nicotine, and other substances.
These drugs act by making the pancreas release a chemical called GLP-1, which works on several human organs, including the brain. This factor leads to the de-addiction of drugs, which is the base of recovery for any drug addict. While this is a welcome discovery, authorities like FDA are yet to give a green signal towards the use of weight loss drugs to remove substance addiction. However, their effect will naturally end once the patients stop consuming these medicines, which should only be used under the supervision and prescription of certified medical experts.

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