Can Waterless Hydro Tech Turn Hills into Giant Energy Creators?

There have been increased discussions around waterless hydro tech and whether it can be used at a much bigger scale to produce more energy in the years to come. This possibility is being brought to reality by a UK-based startup called RheEnergise, which is currently working on this technology. In hydro energy, surplus energy is used to pump water into a reservoir located uphill before it is released back downhill over turbines that help generate electricity. However, as the name suggests, waterless hydro tech does not use any water in this process.

Instead, it uses a different fluid called R-19, which is 2.5 times denser than water. This can potentially be a game-changer for energy creation as the empty hills in the countryside throughout the world can be used to produce energy instead of depending only on water reservoirs. The company’s commercial director Sophie Orme said, “Our HD Hydro technology can provide medium and long-duration energy storage, which is becoming increasingly important as the UK’s energy system is increasingly reliant on intermittent renewables. We are also pursuing a number of project opportunities elsewhere in continental Europe and Canada, and we expect to have our first 5MW grid-scale project in operation in 2026,” as per The Next Web.

More updates on this waterless hydro tech are now awaited.

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