Can Drinking Alcohol Affect Women More Than Men?

Drinking alcohol has become increasingly common in urban society, especially in India. Although it is no secret that boozing has serious health drawbacks, Dr. Manish Machave of Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune, has revealed in a conversation with the Indian Express that it may have many more adverse effects on women than men. The detoxification of alcohol takes place in the liver, whose de-toxicants act differently in men and women. Alcohol thus affects women in an accelerated manner when compared to men and can affect them differently in the long term as well.
For example, drinking alcohol on a frequent basis may create moderate-level problems after twenty to thirty years in men, whereas it can have the same effects on women in just five to six years. Furthermore, pregnant women who indulge in alcohol are likely to pass it on to their children through the umbilical cord, which can cause Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs). Some of the worst side effects of this disorder include stillbirth, miscarriage, shorter-than-average height, poor coordination, memory and attention, learning disabilities, and many more. It would thus serve everyone, especially women, to control the frequency and portions of their boozing for long-term health.

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