Biden Govt. Pushes for Humanitarian Pauses in Gaza, Israel Responds

The Biden Govt. – led USA is actively engaging with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to monitor their erupting war with Hamas in the Gaza region. Israel has taken proactive measures to counter Hamas operations in the region by cutting off their electricity supply and internet services as the Israeli Defence Forces execute a massive ground attack on the terror group. However, the Biden govt. has been pushing Israel to allow humanitarian pauses to make sure that the local population get the necessary aid amidst this war.

Netanyahu has responded by saying that while Israel is open to humanitarian pauses, they will only consider it after Hamas releases their hostages, who have been captive since Hamas’ deadly terror attack in Israel on October 7. He also added that while they are willing to take minor tactical pauses to let the innocents leave and the influx of humanitarian aid, there will be no cease-fire from their end, as per PTI. The Biden govt. has firmly stood on Israel’s side throughout the conflict but has been urging the Jewish state to minimalise collateral damage in this war.

Images source: AP

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