Basic habits that will keep you motivated

We have all, at some point, tried to hold on to our motivation of achieving our New Year’s resolution but eventually lost motivation and dropped our goals, realising that we need bouts of motivation on a daily basis to accomplish anything in our lives. But most people do not understand that our daily habits determine how motivated we remain. Here are a few basic habits that we can undertake that will keep us from slacking at any point in the day and keep us focused and motivated.  

Get enough sleep  

Doctors and health experts around the world have been tirelessly emphasising the importance of sleep. Humans are supposed to get 7-8 hours of sleep every day at any cost. It is the root of your physical and mental health and cannot be compromised. Getting enough sleep is one of the basic habits will keep you fresh and active throughout the day, but not doing so will adversely impact your concentration, even for simple tasks.  

Maintain a healthy diet  

A famous quote goes, “A healthy body is a healthy mind.” Having a diet that helps you stay healthy and in good shape will automatically make you feel sharp and motivated. Eating junk food and staying in bad shape make you psychologically give up the task. It is thus necessary to practise portion control in our diets and stick to light food.   

Find people with similar interests  

You may have observed people exercising in public parks or gyms in groups. Finding people who can keep you company while you make efforts towards your goal will give you a fresh dose of motivation. This is because even if we start losing motivation, we will refrain from skipping since there would be another person or people involved.   

Set short-term targets towards long-term goals  

Having lofty goals is a good sign, but it won’t account for much unless you actually execute in efforts. But setting short-term targets and achieving them on a consistent basis will eventually bring down even the biggest challenges. For example, losing 10 kgs is a colossal task; but if you target reducing 1 kg each week will help you achieve your target in simply 2-3 months.   

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