Australia Permits Narcotic Drug MDMA for Medical Purposes

Australia has announced its stance on whether narco-drugs should be used for medical treatment or not by approving the MDMA drug for its citizens as a medicine. The country’s Therapeutic Goods Administration recently released a press release that announced that the mushroom drug MDMA, which is also commonly referred to as ‘ecstasy,’ has been made legal in Australia for medicinal use. As per their statement, this drug would be useful in treating PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other related disorders that can be leading factors that often lead to depression.
Several states in the USA already use drugs like marijuana for medical purposes, but it still remains banned in several other states. MDMA remains banned in most parts of the world, but with this step, Australia has opened the doors for this particular drug as a medicine. Along with Australia and the United States, Canada is the only other country in the world that has approved any drug for patients suffering from major health problems. However, Australia has also added in their statement that MDMA can only be used in a medically safe environment.

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