Apple limits internal use of ChatGPT

Companies around the world are recognising the major risks that involve Artificial Intelligence, and so has Apple. The tech giant has reportedly restricted the use of advanced AI system ChatGPT and GitHub’s co-pilot, according to The Wall Street Journal. The stated reason behind this decision is that the “concerned workers could release confidential data as it develops its own similar technology.” Apple is also developing their own generative AI tools but haven’t revealed what purpose they will serve.  

Their competitor Samsung has also stopped the usage of AI tools on every company-owned and non-company device that is being used internally after it was found that Samsung’s sensitive information was leaked to ChatGPT last month. The recent announcement of Geoffrey Hinton resigning as Google’s AI chief has thus created a mass domino effect on companies around the world to temporarily limit using Artificial Intelligence for major or minor requirements. President Joe Biden had also met with Google and Microsoft’s top executives after this incident, where safety measures and concerns regarding AI were discussed. 

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