Anthony Blinken: Ukraine Has Freed 50% of Territory From Russia

United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has made a big claim on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict that states that Ukraine is rapidly gaining the upper hand on the battlefield. In his recent conversation with CNN, Blinken gave updates on the current situation of this conflict, saying that Ukraine has recaptured 50% of the land territory which was taken over by Russia. He said, “It’s already taken back about 50% of what was initially seized. Now they’re in a very hard fight to take back more. These are still relatively early days in the counter-offensive. It is tough, the Russians put in place strong defences.”

There have also been rising speculations of Ukraine receiving American F-16 fighter jets against Russia. On this note, Blinken added, “There are some 50 odd countries in this coalition in support of Ukraine. Lloyd Austin has been leading this process on the military side. And different countries do different things at different times.” While the United States and the West have been actively supporting Ukraine via military, financial and humanitarian aid, there are no confirmed statements from the US government official on whether they will provide their fighter jets to Ukraine. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been raging on for nearly a year-and-a-half since it began in February 2022.

Images source: AP

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