The Indians in Kenya advised to stay-put, amidst Anti-Tax protests: The Indian Embassy

The Indian embassy in Kenya has issued an advisory urging Indian citizens to avoid non-essential movement and steer clear of protest-affected areas due to violent anti-tax protests

The unrest erupted after Kenya’s parliament passed a controversial Finance Bill 2024, leading to tax hikes. Demonstrations turned violent, with protesters clashing with security forces amid clouds of tear gas in downtown Nairobi and other cities on June 25, 2024. The advisory, posted on social media, emphasized the need for utmost caution among the approximately 20,000 Indians residing in Kenya. The embassy’s warning comes in response to the escalating violence that saw protesters storming Kenya’s parliament, burning part of the building, and causing lawmakers to flee. The clashes resulted in several fatalities and injuries. Journalists reported seeing at least three bodies outside the parliament complex, and the Kenya Medical Association confirmed that at least five people were killed, including medical workers attempting to treat the injured.

The protests stem from widespread dissatisfaction with the rising cost of living and the government’s economic policies. Many of the demonstrators are young people who initially supported President William Ruto, hoping for financial relief. Still, they are now disillusioned by the new tax measures. The Kenya Medical Association noted that more than 30 people were wounded during the clashes, with at least 13 sustaining injuries from live bullets. Police responded to the unrest by firing live ammunition and tear gas, even targeting a medical tent set up at a nearby church to treat the wounded. The Indian embassy’s advisory highlights the volatility of the situation and urges Indian nationals to stay informed and exercise caution until stability is restored.

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