All You Need to Know About Noida’s Vedic Theme Park

Noida has opened India’s first Vedic theme park that has caught the attention of people across the country. It has been constructed with a total budget of Rs. 27 crores, and it highlights the four Vedas of Hindu culture – Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda, as per the Times of India. This park has a culturally inspired design with modern infrastructure and facilities, but what people may find interesting is that the location of this park was earlier a dumping ground.
The soil of the dumping ground had to be loosened in order to increase its fertility and make it ideal for the growth of plants. This Vedic theme park has about 50,000 plants that have been mentioned in the Vedas. It also has an outdoor gym for public use and an amphitheatre which is powered by solar energy. It has been divided into seven different zones – Kashyap, Bharadwaj, Gautam, Atri, Vasishtha, Vishvamitra, and Agastya, named after the great Indian sages. To increase public awareness about Indian culture, the walls of this park will also have ancient scriptures that reflect knowledge and wisdom that has been passed on throughout the ages.

Image source: Indian Express

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