A 5-Minute High-Intensity Exercise Reduces Cancer Risk

Fitness experts are often seen recommending high-intensity exercise for a shorter duration over working out for two hours at a lower intensity. This is because high-intensity workouts not only burn calories but also burn fat and improve your overall cardiovascular health. However, it appears that they also have a big health benefit that was earlier unheard of – cutting down the risk of cancer. A new study conducted by the University of Sydney has found that opting for a high-intensity exercise every day for simply 5 minutes can greatly reduce the chances of getting cancer, as per Wion.
The lead author of this study Emmanuel Stamatakis said, “We know the majority of middle-aged people don’t regularly exercise, which puts them at increased cancer risk, but it is only through the advent of wearable technology like activity trackers that we are able to look at the impact of short bursts of incidental physical activity done as part of daily living.” Stamatakis added that it is vital to conduct more research on this link to understand the cause and effects of this revelation. The World Health Organization has also revealed that exercise can be helpful in keeping away various kinds of cancers.

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