3 Ways to avoid putting on holiday weight

We have officially reached the middle of summer, which means that most people would be planning their vacation, if not already enjoying it. Most of us end up gaining weight after a brief vacation after days of munching, partying and even boozing; and then struggle to reduce that weight. But as they say – “Prevention is better than cure”; so here are a few tips to avoid putting on holiday weight that will save you the hassle of dieting and spending extra time at the gym after you return. 

How to avoid putting on holiday weight 

Go light on the desserts 

Desserts are likely the biggest reason why people tend to put on a few inches. Although it is difficult to resist delicacies especially when you’re on a break, it will make a big difference if you restrict your portions. Every scoop of ice cream and piece of brownie not eaten saves you from gaining those inches of fat. To trick your mind, have a spoonful of those desserts rather than going for all of it. 

Stick to non-fattening drinks/liquor 

Liquid calories are the silent fitness killers that often go unnoticed. Whether you go for alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, make sure that they contain minimum to no sugar. Even beer and energy drinks pump in those calories that will add on to those calories. We must always choose our drinks wisely, even when on vacation. 

Find a way to burn extra calories 

People tend to ignore the gym or getting any other form of exercise, which allows a free passage to your cheat meals to pile on more weight. Finding your hotel gym and hitting it every day while you’re there will make more difference than you think. Otherwise, there is always the option to go walking and explore the streets of your holiday destination on foot. 

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