3 Ill-Intentioned Individuals caught on Breaching Parliament Complex with Forged ID’s

Three labourers were apprehended by CISF personnel for attempting to enter the Parliament complex using forged Aadhaar cards.

The individuals, identified as Kasim, Monis, and Soyeb, were arrested by Delhi Police and charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) related to forgery and cheating. The incident occurred on Tuesday during routine security and identity checks at the flap gate entry of Parliament House. Upon further scrutiny, CISF personnel intercepted the trio and found their Aadhaar cards to be forged. This incident occurred shortly after CISF assumed full security responsibilities for the Parliament complex, replacing the CRPF and Delhi Police contingents. The trio was on the payroll of Dee Vee Projects Ltd, a firm commissioned to build the lounge for Members of Parliament within the Parliament complex.

Following their detention by CISF, the individuals were handed over to the Delhi Police. An FIR was filed, and they were booked under IPC sections 465 (forgery), 419 (cheating by personation), 120B (criminal conspiracy), 471 (using a forged document as genuine), and 468 (forgery for the purpose of cheating). Sources informed PTI that the apprehension of the labourers highlighted the stringent security measures in place at the Parliament complex, ensuring that breaches are detected and dealt with promptly. The incident underscores the importance of maintaining robust security protocols in high-security areas.

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